Horse Documentation


Issuing the rider’s identification card/ ID and the Royal Jordanian Equestrian Federation membership for the first time


General information

  • Please send all required information to
  • Please note that all fees are subject to change
  • Your documents will not be issued until payment is made
  • Please book an appointment for payment or inquire about Bank account details for bank transfer

Benefits of membership and issuance of identification card/ID:

  • To participate in the Federation’s activities and local and international tournaments
  • To obtain exemptions as needed

How to apply:

The following information is to be sent via the following email (

  • Full name in Arabic as appears on Jordanian National ID or passport
  • Name in English as appears on Jordanian National ID or passport
  • Name and location of the equestrian center that you train at or house your horse
  • Personal photo
  • Fees: 80 JD

ID Renewal

The following information is to be sent via the following email (

  • Name in Arabic as appears on Jordanian National ID or passport
  • Name in English as appears on Jordanian National ID or passport
  • Old identification card/ ID number
  • Name and location of the equestrian center that you train at or house your horse
  • Personal photo
  • Fees: 25 JD

Issuing a local/ Jordanian passport for the horse

  • Email us at to request a national passport for your horse
  • Arrange for a date and time to pick up the passport and a microchip if you need one (please note, all sport horses must be microchipped)
  • Arrange for one of our accredited veterinarians to visit your stables to identify the horse and inset microchip if needed
  • Fees: 15 JD for the passport
  • Fees: 10 JD for a microchip

Benefits of issuing a local passport

  1. Proof of horse ownership in case of theft or loss of passport
  2. To participate in local competitions and FEI 1*
  3. To register the horse’s information on the microchip
  4. A required document to export horses or send them to competitions outside the country

How to apply for the FEI passport

  1. Please arrange an appointment to bring the local passport to our offices for verification
  2. Arrange for one of our accredited veterinarians to visit your stables to identify the horse and check for the microchip
  3. Fees: 145 JD

Benefits of issuing FEI passport

  1. To participate in international tournaments FEI 2*
  2. A required document to export horses or to participate in competitions outside the country

Note: If the passport of the imported horse is accredited by the FEI, an FEI Identification Card will be issued by us.

For an FEI Identification card

If the horse was purchased abroad and imported into Jordan with its original documents and foreign passport, the horse will only need to issue an FEI identification card from the RJEF GIVEN that the horse passport is recognized by the FEI.

Royal Jordanian Stud book Authority

Pure bred Arabian horses are registered with the Royal Jordanian Stub Book Authority (RJSB) and the World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO). To verify the lineage of the horses, a DNA test is required.

1. If you own stallion that is the father of the foal in need of registration:

  • You need to ask a certified vet to come identify the horse (which needs to be at least 6 months old). The vet will fill out, sign and stamp your horse identification form which the vet will provide you with
  • You will need to bring a hair sample from your horse, along with the completed horse identification form
  • The DNA test fees: 45 JD
  • Postage fees: 30 JD
  • Certificate fee: 15 JD

2. In the case that you do not own the stallion that fathered your foal:

  • You need to ask a certified vet to come identify the horse (which needs to be at least 6 months old). The vet will fill out, sign and stamp your horse identification form which the vet will provide you with
  • You will need to bring a hair sample from your horse, along with the completed horse identification form
  • Covering certificate signed by the stallion’s owner (ask for it at the federation)
  • The DNA test fees: 45 JD
  • Postage fees: 30 JD
  • Certificate fee: 15 JD

3. Artificial insemination:

  • You need to ask a certified vet to come identify the horse (which needs to be at least 6 months old). The vet will fill out, sign and stamp your horse identification form which the vet will provide you with
  • You will need to bring a hair sample from your horse, along with the completed horse identification form
  • You will need to provide us with the certificate of artificial insemination from the horse registry office of the country of origin
  • The DNA test fees: 45 JD
  • Postage fees: 30 JD
  • Certificate fee: 15 JD

4. In the case of an embryo transfer:

  • You need to ask a certified vet to come identify the horse (which needs to be at least 6 months old). The vet will fill out, sign and stamp your horse identification form which the vet will provide you with
  • You will need to bring a hair sample from your horse, along with the completed horse identification form
  • You will need to provide us with the certificate of embryo culture from the embryo transplant center of the country of origin.
  • The DNA test fees: 45 JD
  • Postage fees: 30 JD
  • Certificate fee: 15 JD