Pathway to Endurance VET

Pathway to Endurance VET

  • Applicant must be licensed as a veterinary or veterinary surgeon.

  • Applicants must have accumulated at least five years of post-qualification equine veterinary experience.

  • Applicant must have participated and assisted in 1 full season (12 months) of the Jordan Championship, and 2 FEI Competitions within 1.5 seasons (18 months).

  • Applicant must fill out Official Mentoring and Supervision forms provided by RJEF for each completed competition.

  • Applicant must have read and understood the latest versions of the following documents: FEI Veterinary Regulations, FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Medication Control Regulations, and the FEI Clean Sport webpage including the Veterinary section of the FEI website.

  • For more information on the pathway to becoming an FEI Endurance Veterinarian, please follow this link:

General Conditions

All interested applicants must have an understanding of English both written and spoken if they wish to further their career and education with the FEI.